Holi 2021 - Festival of Colors in India
India will celebrate the Festival of Colors "Holi" on March 29, 2021 and Viajes Diva India has prepared the Regular Tour programs of guaranteed departure with a minimum of 1 pax.
Holi is one of the funniest festivals since during these days we can all play like children, staining everyone with colors, running and escaping to avoid being soaked with pink, green or yellow water and being the protagonist of one of the oldest traditions of India.
During these days the arrival of spring is commemorated, and for this, water is mixed with a colored powder from different herbs, which were traditionally nim, kumkum, jaldi, bilva and other medicinal herbs, which according to Ayurveda experts, they helped prevent fevers or colds caused by the change of season.
Lets hope that this Holi would be a new beginning for all.